Video Poker For WinnersAmerica's best software for learning how to make money playing video poker

Luck or strategy... You decide.

Unlike traditional slot machines, video poker pay offs are not based on luck alone. Playing the correct way can greatly improve your odds of winning.

Depending on how you play your hands, returns can be over 100%. Take for example
the following Double Bonus Poker game:

This is a 10/7 game. As you can see from the pay table, the 10 represents the pay out of a Full House, while the 7 represents the pay out of a Flush. If you play this game perfectly, this game returns 100.17%! No other casino game can make that claim.

The challenge is playing perfectly and that’s where Video Poker for Winners comes in. It teaches you to play each hand the way it supposed to be played – giving you the opportunity to optimize your return, make your gambling dollars go farther, and win casino comps.

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